

BRACU Express welcomes all submissions of guest columns, letters to the editor and fiction. 

Columns typically run approximately 600-800 words, while letters to the editor run 400-500 words. Fiction should not exceed more than 1500 words. 

All submissions should be sent to the Newsdesk via email at Below you will find our editorial guidelines for guest columns and letters to the editor.

Only members of the university are able to write a guest column for the News, and this includes students, alumni, faculty members, administrative officers and parents of BRAC University students. 

 The column should make a clear, defensible argument using credible evidence. The decision to accept articles is made at the discretion of the editors, and they are not required to provide an explanation for their decision. 

In general, we will refuse to publish articles that are blatantly discriminatory, and we will refuse to publish articles that come from individuals and/or organisations known to be prejudiced and/or discriminatory. We will also refuse articles that don’t substantiate their claims, articles that unnecessarily target individuals, and articles that generally rely on speculation to advance their argument. Articles that are accepted are done so on a conditional basis and are subject to revisions from the opinion editors, the copy-editing desk and the Editor-in-Chief. Writers will be contacted during the revision process to confirm the changes that are made to their piece. Writers unwilling to work with editors during the revision process will have their drafts rejected.

Authors will be contacted regarding any major changes.

Letters to the Editor are subject to the same guidelines as guest columns. However, letters to the editor will not be edited; they will be accepted or rejected outright.

Additional Information 

All submissions to the News must be previously unpublished. Newspapers and other organisations looking to republish BRACU Express pieces in print should email for further information.

Please include your full name, any affiliations with BRAC University or other institutions and organisations relevant to the content of your letter, and a mobile phone number so that you can be contacted if your piece is chosen for publication.

We do not publish guest columns written on behalf of an organisation, club or group, whether at BRAC University  or on a national or international scale. We furthermore strongly discourage groups of people from submitting articles together except when absolutely necessary. In such cases, we will likely restrict primary authorship to one or two individuals, while acknowledging the additional authors in their contributing role.

As a policy, we do not permit anonymous submissions. However, if you believe you absolutely cannot write without anonymity, please email with an explanation of your situation.

If you are considering writing a letter to the editor or a guest column, please feel free to contact the Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor by email to discuss your topic before submission. The emails are provided below: 

Editor-in-Chief: Tagabun Taharim Titun, email at:

Managing Editor: Prodipta Hasin, email at:

How best to increase your chances of publication:

1. Email the Editor-in-Chief with your pitch before you submit a draft. We’ll work with you to refine your focus and offer any needed suggestions. Know that we do not make decisions about publication until we see a draft from an author.

2. Read the opinion section regularly. Our staff columns provide a model for quality opinion writing.

3. Adhere to the word limit. In most cases, we simply don’t have space to publish anything longer than 800 words.

4. Choose a relevant topic. Though we’ll consider submissions about everything from international politics to art, as BRACU Express, we especially are interested in commentary on life and issues specifically relevant to BRAC University or Bangladesh.

5. Be a member of the BRACU community. We look forward to hearing from students, alumni, faculty, staff, administrators and anyone else with a connection to BRAC University.



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