
Reminisce With The Press: Anohana, Arnob and Gilmore Girls

While trapped inside the four walls during the pandemic, nostalgia carried me back to those days when life was brighter and simpler, to the sweet spirit of childhood, bringing a piece of the past back into my present. The urge to reconnect with my old self led me back to my childhood favourites and helped me cope with the pandemic’s abrupt dynamic. In my case, I reunited with some of my old favourites: Anohana, Arnob’s albums Chaina Bhabish and Hok Kolorob, and Gilmore Girls.
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Many of us lost connections or became more distant with friends and loved ones during the pandemic, leaving a void in our hearts. The anime is about reviving the shattered friendship and overcoming the tragedy of a friend’s untimely death. It captures both the innocence and simplicity of childhood friendship as well as the complexities of them as we grow older. Compared to watching it in my teenage years, it conveyed a completely different meaning than rewatching it now, in my adulthood.
Anohana captures stories of friendship, emotional healing, evolving with age, and so many other themes that I could not relate to before, which have become more than relevant. This slice-of-life anime made me feel nostalgic, as if I was reuniting with my old friends, reminding me of life before the pandemic.
Arnob: Chaina Bhabish and Hok Kolorob
The renowned music artist Shayan Chowdhury Arnob’s songs not only painted my childhood and teenage years but also soothed my soul during this challenging time of pandemic. Back in 2010 to 2014, it was the era of Arnob; I used to lip-sync the lyrics of Arnob’s songs with my friends during my lunch breaks. As soon as I left school, I lost touch with Arnob’s music and my friends. However, my interest in his music was revived, as it served as pure escapism from the chaos inside. The whimsical melody of his songs served as a time capsule, transporting me back to the bittersweet memories of my school days.
Gilmore Girls
The hit 2000’s show Gilmore Girls was my high school go-to; the mother-daughter duo’s dynamic was something that I especially coveted for myself in my teenage years. I rewatched the show during the pandemic and realised why I was so obsessed with it. With the perfect blend of humour and drama, it became a great source of comfort and laughter. Also, being a nerd and introvert myself, I could relate to Rory’s character and her struggle to belong. This show ushered me back to when life was nonchalant and calm. When reality becomes unbearable, revisiting my old favourites acts as a window into my blissful nostalgia.
Written by- Labiba Rifah Nanjeeba

Anindita Rhine

Anindita Rhine is a senior majoring in English Literature at BRAC University. She spends most of her time looking at puppers and wishing to be the Mother-of-All-Doggos on Earth. Reach her at anindita.hossain.rhine@g.bracu.ac.bd

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