
The Introspective Artist: Prateeti Diya

Art. What is art? An expression, an emotion, a means of exhibiting pure imagination or simply the reality. Growing up as an introvert, art seemed like the only getaway from all the challenges that used to cloud my mind. From being bullied as a child in school, to being dispirited while competing with the overachievers for not being up to their standards, the journey was often paved with sorrows. However, persisting to be an intimate enthusiast of the arts, the challenges I faced transformed and took colorful turns on my canvas.

That one great persona behind driving me to sum up my thoughts on those canvases would be my mother. The realist, who nudged me to introspect the smallest details of my imagination, and to indulge in them through art. The other realist, who stood by me through the thickest of times, from teaching me how to hold a pencil, to helping to bring to life the strokes of images with colors, would be Swapan Chowdhury. The old master, who taught me that any media can be a canvas, when the thoughts you have are real and meaningful.

Life is a like a long canvas, where you will run out of colors every now and then, but make you thrive for more of it.

Here I am, a dreamer, ready with paints, to make it real.

Find more of Prateeti’s art here:

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Anindita Rhine

Anindita Rhine is a senior majoring in English Literature at BRAC University. She spends most of her time looking at puppers and wishing to be the Mother-of-All-Doggos on Earth. Reach her at

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