An informative guide to choosing minors for BracU Students
To the students who are interested in adding a minor but need help gathering proper information, this article is for you. A minor is a short collection of courses offering an in-depth understanding of a particular subject outside your major. Thankfully, Brac University offers various minors, and their information can be found on their website. You can typically get information about these minors by clicking on each department on the BracU website. However, the information is not given separately for some, like the economics or anthropology minor. As always, contacting the Departmental Coordinator (DCO)is best.
Why Choose a Minor?
Choosing a minor is a matter of passion, to gain an edge in the job market or to broaden their knowledge on another subject. For instance, Mohammad Shabab Anam (Junior, EEE) chose to minor in Computer Science (CS) because of his passion for robotics. He explains, “Both EEE and CS overlap in areas like robotics, which makes understanding the material easier. Plus, it saves time as some courses count toward my major and minor.”
On the other hand, Rishov Aditya (Junior, ESS) has a double minor in Sociology and History. He said, “My choice of minors was due to my interest in research regarding political development. Those will put me in my field of interest.”
Workload Management
One of the challenges that comes with pursuing a minor is time management. Shabab admits that he is pressured to balance his major and minor. He said, “You need to plan carefully as you have more deadlines to keep track of,”
Rishov counteracts: “Taking a minor will not take extra effort as long as we keep a detailed plan of combinations to complete them.”
Here are a few practical tips for managing the workload:

Do Minors Help in Job Prospects?
Mahfuzur Rahman Chowdhury (Graduate, CSE) emphasized the importance of his minor in Mathematics back at BracU, which is helping him now in his PhD in AI. He stated that pursuing a minor in mathematics alongside a CSE major can enhance someone’s profile for MSc or PhD applications, especially in AI, as professors value strong mathematical foundations. It significantly helps with research and coursework by reducing the need for self-study. However, he mentioned considering the extra time, fees, and added effort under the current policies.
Rishov believes that his minors will give him a competitive edge when applying to roles in his field and help him in his research work.
However, a minor does not always guarantee a job, but it can help you stand out in specific industries.
Finally, all I can emphasize is choosing a minor thoughtfully. Focus on your personal interests, and do not think of it as any less important than your major courses. Whether you want to enrich your academic journey, pursue your passion for learning, or enhance your career prospects, ensuring you have the time management skills to handle the extra workload and stay true to your interests is crucial. With the right mindset and careful planning, a minor can be a valuable and rewarding part of your academic experience.