
Erasmus Mundus: Hiya Islam

In BRACU Express’s “Of Plague and Plans” series, Hiya Islam (Alumnus, MNS) expressed her desire to explore Europe and study there in the future. Two years later, she is already on her way to making her ambitions come true. As a recipient of the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, she will pursue a degree in Cosmetic and Dermatological Sciences under the program “EMOTION.”

Suffering from acne-related issues from a young age, she attempted to treat them by identifying the underlying reasons, enticing her interest in dermatology in the first place and the added prospects of her undergraduate major in this field. Thereby, when browsing the Erasmus Mundus catalogue, this area piqued her curiosity, prompting her to apply. The application process included three phases: initial application, video submission, and interview.

Hiya Islam describes moving to Bangladesh from Saudi Arabia, where she was born, as one of the best things that had happened to her since it opened the scope for her personal growth. Chasing the same growth, moving away to another country has long been on her to-do list. Whenever met with an obstacle, remembering her aspirations and the support of her family has kept her going.

After completing her first year at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy, she will have the choice of continuing her studies in Belgium or Spain for the second year. With a preference for Spain’s Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical Research Program at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, she will finally do her research at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. When asked if she had any advice for future applicants, Hiya Islam responded, “Believe in yourself. You don’t know what happens until you try.”

Written by Sariha Sanjeena

Anindita Rhine

Anindita Rhine is a senior majoring in English Literature at BRAC University. She spends most of her time looking at puppers and wishing to be the Mother-of-All-Doggos on Earth. Reach her at

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