Politics News


Empowering Student Travelers: Insights from Tourism Experts

On the 1st of July, 2024, the BRAC University Adventure Club (BUAC) arranged a seminar titled ‘Student Tourism Security’ which


Social Impact Lab Workshops: An Enlightenment On Climate.

BRAC University Social Impact Lab recently arranged a few workshops focusing on leadership, career pathways, laws, challenges, and prospects related

CSE Department Hosts Inaugural Coding Competition

For the first time, the CSE Department of Brac University organized a coding competition among students of a non-computer science

BRAC University and OSUN Film Festival 2024

On June 4, 2024, BRAC University and OSUN Film Festival 2024 was held in BRAC University’s theatre room, featuring student-produced

Unlocking Brand Secrets with Marico’s Marketing Maestro

How many of you have Parachute Coconut Oil tucked at the corner of your bathroom? Even if you do not

Is Artificial Intelligence a threat or a potential amigo of Architects?

The onset of AI is suspected to be the biggest harbinger of creating a brand-new reality. This changeignites the slippery

Finding your voice: the power of effective communication

On March 25, 2024, Brac University Language and communication club (BUCLC) organized aworkshop called “Speak Bold: Unlocking the Power of

BRAC University Celebrates with Vibrant Noboborsho and Eid Festivities

On the 28th and 29th of April, the BRAC University Cultural Club (BUCuC) organised a two-day program, Bangla Noboborsho and