Kota Factory is a heartwarming series by TVF (The Viral Fever), which has gathered much popularity over a short span
Ma Lo Ma: a fusion amidst crisis
Coke Studio Bangla’s latest offering, “Ma Lo Ma,” presents a fascinating fusion of musical genres, from the traditional Pala Gaan
Laapataa Ladies demurs and unveils destinies
In Laapataa Ladies, entrenched stereotypes are challenged boldly. The film confronts the notion that labeling a girl as “over smart”
Television Twins: Who Would Get Along The Best?
Most sitcoms run on a formula of relatable characters who share similar characteristics to deliver a sense of comfort and
Cinema’s Biggest Night: Highlights from Oscars 2024
The prestigious award ceremony that celebrates filmmaking at its core has finally aired while every movie fanatic has prepared themselves
About Time: a cult classic romantic comedy
What would you do if you had the ability to travel back in time? Tim, a typical “adorkable” Richard Curtis
Barbie’s galactic empowerment journey lights up screens
Barbie’s galactic empowerment journey lights up screens In a year of cinematic constellations, ‘Barbie’ shines brightest, breaking box office records
Barbenheimer Effect: Cinema’s epic resurgence caused by two unexpected films
Brace yourselves for a cinematic phenomenon as the Barbie-Oppenheimer Effect takes centre stage creating a thrilling resurgence of movie theatre
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