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Khabar Dabar Tackles Dirt and Discounts with a 5 Taka Solution to Everything.

In a stunning turn of events that has left the entire BRAC University community absolutely rolling in laughter, Khabar Dabar, our beloved campus canteen caterer, has decided to solve their raging hygiene crisis by… drumroll, please… reducing prices by 5 Taka. That’s right, folks! A discount so generous, it’ll almost make you forget about that extra crunchy “seasoning” in your shingara.

After days of boycotts, protests, and viral posts exposing their kitchen horrors, Khabar Dabar finally caved. Instead of cleaning their kitchen they went with the most logical solution: a 5 Taka price cut. Because nothing says “we care about hygiene” like knocking a few coins off a paratha—about half a bus fare.

“We really wanted to show students we’re listening,” said a Khabar Dabar spokesperson. “We could have improved cleanliness, but we figured, why clean up our act when we could just make the food a tiny bit cheaper? After all, people love bargains!”

The price cut is already working wonders. Raju, munching on a suspiciously crunchy samosa, said, “I was boycotting after seeing a mouse near the curry pots, but 5 Taka off? How can you argue with that? It’s a deal!”

Experts in cafeteria economics are calling this move ingenious. “It’s revolutionary,” said one baffled professor. “Instead of investing in soap or pest control, they’re investing in their customers’ lack of math skills. Who cares about sanitation when you’re saving enough money to buy yourself a bus ride home after the stomach cramps kick in?”

But wait—there’s more! Khabar Dabar didn’t stop at lowering prices. That metallic aftertaste in your biryani? “Extra iron!” says the chef. Floating particles in your lemonade? “Organic fiber.” The gelatinous blob on your plate? “Bonus side dish.”

Students have had mixed reactions to these new culinary adventures. “It’s a mystery box every time you eat there,” said Mofiz, a third-year student and part-time food critic. “Will today’s meal feature an insect or something more exotic? It’s like they’re running a reality show for bacteria.” Others, like Sokhina, a freshman, see it as an adventure: “Sure, I might get food poisoning, but I’m saving enough to buy a cigarette! It’s all about perspective.”

Khabar Dabar isn’t stopping here. Rumor has it that they’re planning to introduce a frequent buyer program, where after ten meals, you get a free dose of antibiotics.

So, next time you’re on campus, stomach growling and wallet light, remember: Khabar Dabar got you covered (in oil and maybe a little dirt). Sure, you might need to roll the dice on your digestive health, but hey, 5 Taka is 5 Taka.

Bon appétit, BRACU students!

Md Abrar Jahin Adib

Md Abrar Jahin Adib is the Web Content Manager of the Student Editorial Board -8. He is a Junior majoring in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Brac University. Reach him at

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