An unfinished revolution: violence against women in Bangladesh
Post July Revolution, new societal boundaries were expected to emerge where women would no longer bear the brunt of oppression. But despite this dream, the reality resembles a nightmare. The recent passing of Asiya Begum begs the question, how deep does this problem run? Despite the uproar we are seeing now, unfortunately this isn’t the first case in recent history. Before we had Tonu, Munia and others whose names have almost faded from our memories. This culture of repression through unmentionable means has again and again propelled the youth, including BracU students, to take to the streets to demand justice and safety. But the state fails to provide adequate response. One such protester, Rashedul Kabir (Junior, CS) shares, “The lack of safety for Riya Gop drove the uprising. The lack of safety for Asiya in the aftermath contradicts that very spirit.”
There is a recurring habit of seeing women as only a mother or a sister in order to humanize them. But their identity lies beyond kinship. A woman is a human being with dignity, something society snatches away, in turn empowering the abuser. There has been a growing outcry for capital punishment. But how feasible is it? Wasema Farzana (Senior, ESS) states, “It’s important to recognize the power imbalance which fuels this violence. Without addressing the socio-cultural aspect, we can’t expect to bring any social change.”
The long-standing violence faced by women is an issue deeply rooted in the system. Our society is patriarchal by nature, and, as a by-product, misogyny is a key component in creating an environment where women are inherently disadvantaged. To this day, they are blessed with neither the respect nor the freedom given to their male counterparts.
This current onslaught of violence against women may paint a bleak picture, but we must not lose hope. While implementing mob justice and capital punishment produces a short-term solution, massive reformations are needed. Campaigning, peaceful protests, monitoring radical hate groups, and overall teaching people about women’s perspectives serve as more long-sighted resolutions, especially if these are government-mandated. Above all, we must prevail, staying true to the path of justice to end this nightmare.