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DU Pharma Fest 2024: BRACU students emerge as winners

Two students from BRAC University, Mohammad Osman (Sophomore, PHR) and Saima Mahdia (Sophomore, PHR) became champion and runner up of the speech contest at Dhaka University Pharma Fest 2024, which held in cooperation with Radiant Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd & Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd held on 28th and 29th April. Professor Dr. Sitesh Chandra Bachar, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University inaugurated the fest with Md Shahrear Zahedee, member of parliament & chairman of Radiant Pharmaceuticals
Ltd, present as the chief guest.

In the speech contest segment, participants showcased their impressive public speaking skills and knowledge. Among six hundred students from thirty two universities, two students from BracU secured the title of champion and runner up. Osman, the champion of the speech
contest, delivered his speech on ‘Developing Eco-friendly Healthcare Facilities for the Future’. Regarding his achievement he mentioned, “I felt wonderful winning it. Being a pharmacy student and winning the biggest Pharma event of the country is just like a dream coming true”.
He dedicated his success to Syeda Maliha Ahmed (Lecturer, School of Pharmacy) for her unwavering support and guidance.

The runner-up Saima Mahdia remarked participating in this prestigious event as an exhilarating experience and said, “It taught me a valuable lesson that you’ll never know whether you are good at something if you never try it. Honestly, I did not think I would even make it to
the finals, let alone come second. I only wanted to try and give my best.”

Friyana Zaman

Friyana Zaman is a contributing journalist at BRACU Express. She is a freshman majoring in Biotechnology at BRAC University. Besides day dreaming and stressing over academics, she loves to cook and indulge in romcoms. Her little quirk is that she loves spoilers! Reach her at

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