Campus News

Future Prospects for BracU Students in American Society for Microbiology

The Brac University’s Microbiology Department, along with the Microbiology Student Council, hosted a seminar on “Prospects and Scopes for Members of the American Society for Microbiology” on August 7. The purpose of this seminar was to make the students aware of the scope and opportunities regarding research and networking in the field of microbiology.

Seminar on American Society for Microbiology Students

Starting off with a speech from Dr. A.F.M. Yusuf Haider, Chairperson of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department, and Dr. Mahboob Hossain, the program was hosted by Sifat Sarwar Siddique, the convenor of the Brac University Microbiology Student Council. Two representatives of ASM, Dr. Salma Akhter and Ms. Rubaiya Tarannum Shathi, were present in the seminar to encourage the students of Brac University to be a part of this international life science organization.

Seminar on American Society for Microbiology Students

The first speaker, Dr. Salma Akhter, the international young Ambassador of ASM this year and the associate professor of the Microbiology Department at Jahangirnagar University, gave a presentation on the introduction to ASM and the opportunities provided for the students. At the end of her speech, Dr. Salma Akhter helped the students in the seminar open up their own membership accounts and be a part of the ASM community. 

Seminar on American Society for Microbiology Students

Then the second speaker, Ms. Rubaiya Tarannum Shathi, a fellow mentee of ASM, who now works at the Infectious Disease Division, icddr,b., shared her experience as an ASM member and made the students aware of the prospects and networks from the organization. The program ended with a speech from Dr. Nadia Sultana Deen, Microbiology Program Director and Associate Professor.

The seminar imparted students with valuable insights into the opportunities within the prestigious American Society for Microbiology and encouraged the students to explore them.

Prodipta Hasin

Prodipta Hasin is a journalist at BRACU Express. She is a Sophomore majoring in English Literature at the ENH department in BRAC University. She loves to read voraciously and write wildly. In her free times, she daydreams about being a mythical witch in the woods. Find her at

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