
Raising awareness on Breast Cancer and gynecological health

Breast cancer, one of the most common cancers, that affects mainly women worldwide and yet, not many are aware of its characteristics until it is too late. To provide light upon this topic, a webinar organized by Parkway Cancer Center, was held on the morning of 25th May, gathering female students of Brac University to gain valuable insights from doctors that focus on female health and more.

The main aim of the webinar was to raise awareness among female students on breast cancer and gynecology. It provided a platform for many of the Brac University female students to share their concerns and discuss various aspects of their health. The students were introduced to senior consultants Dr Lisa Wong (Medical Oncology) and Dr Wong Chiung Ing (Gynae-Oncology) who shed light on these issues and answered any queries with kindness and compassion.

Dr Chiung Ing began the webinar showing that breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Bangladesh. With the help of informative slides, the doctor encompassed various aspects of breast cancer such as symptoms, risk factors, family history, and prevention. To provide a glimpse of what Dr Chiung Ing shared, symptoms of breast cancer can include:

  • Ulceration
  • Nipple discharge
  • Inversion

According to Dr Chiung Ing, females are more prone to breast cancer than males. Ways to treat breast cancer included surgery, chemotherapy as well as targeted drugs.

The webinar not only covered breast cancer but also two other types of cancers:

  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Cervical cancer

Dr Lisa Wong highlighted the risks of both the cancers and the way it can be treated. For cervical cancer, the risks included:

  • Early age of intercourse
  • HPV infection
  • Smoking

For ovarian cancer, the risks included:

  • Never being pregnant
  • Inherited gene mutation of one of the genes: BRCA 1 (breast cancer gene 1) and BRCA 2 (breast cancer gene 2). These are also the genes that multiply the risk of getting breast cancer as well.

One of the ways to prevent ovarian cancer was pregnancy and breastfeeding as Dr Lisa Wong stated, for cervical cancer, it was HPV vaccination.

As the webinar came to a close, many female participants became eager to share their concerns relating to their well being. The doctors were calm as they answered each and every question as it came their way. One of the participants asked whether adenomyosis can lead to cancer. Adenomyosis occurs when the tissue that lines the uterus forms into the muscular walls of the uterus. Dr Lisa Wong answered that there are occurrences, although rare, where it can become malignant and that clinical examination is important if it comes to that.

A wonderful opportunity that the webinar has provided. From raising awareness of various cancers to understanding female wellbeing, Dr Lisa Wong and Dr Wong Chiung Ing brought about a positive change amongst female students of Brac University.

Fariba Mir

Fariba Mir is a contributor in the writing and admin unit at BRACU Express. She is a Sophmore majoring in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at BRAC University. She enjoys reading books and mangas then ponder about them for weeks, watch animes and movies that engulfs her imagination, and draws whenever her inspiration strikes. She can stare at the wall like a champ. Reach her at

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