
Sremoti Chandana Rani

“I feel blessed, even when I can afford to eat one meal a day with my family. The smile I can bring to my children’s faces through my tireless efforts and earnings is worth more than anything.” Sremoti Chandana Rani, who works under the cleaning services on the eighth floor of BRAC University, starts her conversation with BRACU Express with this beautiful remark. She joined the University staff last year. Before that, she worked in a cleaning post at an office near Jahangir Gate, Mohakhali.

She was born in Gaibandha. With her three children and husband, she lives near Mohakhali. For duty, she leaves her house at dawn, arrives at the university nearly at 7 a.m., and works until the afternoon. Sometimes, she works overtime up until the night. She cleans the classrooms, outside areas, and washrooms, and wipes the windows. Apart from national holidays, she works six days a week. She states that she is glad to work here. This place and work are now a part of her life, and she desires to proceed with them.

She is the only daughter among her three brothers. She did not have the opportunity to study in school during her childhood. Instead, she worked in a small shop with her father. “There were times when I had spent days eating only salt, water, and chili.” When her father died after her early marriage, it was a difficult time for her family to overcome. Empathizing the overall condition of her parents, she did not force them to spend money on her education.

There are many situations where this kind of job is not appreciated. However, she sets an example with sincere intention. She says, “A person should not feel insignificant in society as long as they are dedicatedly working for their loved ones. We all have stories of struggles and survivals that appreciate and motivate us to continue life.”

Saima Sayeeda

Saima Sayeeda is a contributing journalist in the writing unit at BRACU Express. She is Sophomore in the Department of English and Humanities at BRAC University. She desires to evolve her analytical skills and enlighten her perception. Encountering new knowledge and circumstances can be challenging, but with curiosity, she plans to proceed. Reach her at

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