Campus News

The Inauguration Programme of Srijon and Orka

On June 23rd, the inaugural ceremony of the initiatives Srijon and Orka took place at the residential campus of Brac University in Savar. The special guests included Dr.Samia Huq, Dean of the School of General Education at BracU, and Harun-Al-Rashid, the principal of Akram High School and College. Mir Faisal Sadik, the Campus Superintendent of the residential campus, respected faculty members and organisers, Srijon and Orka tutors, and students also attended the ceremony. Srijon and Orka are programmes that aim to assist underprivileged children with their education. The children to be taught are from Akram High School and College; they come from low-income households who generally cannot afford formal education, leading to many secondary school dropouts. BRAC aids in teaching the students critical life skills and assisting them in finishing secondary education. The instructors will be volunteer BracU students completing their Residential Semester (RS). Students between 6th to 10th grade will be taught various subjects, from the basics, such as English, math, and ICT, to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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