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A guide map of study spaces around the campus

The campus of Brac University has been ornamented in such a way so that it can bestow the students with a profound learning experience. So for utilising these facilities efficiently we need to know thoroughly about the resources the campus has to offer. Join us on the discovering journey as we are going to shed some informative light on the study spaces of the campus.

Be it studying for an important exam or utilising a long break between classes efficiently, we all crave for a study space where we can study peacefully. This article is going to be a loyal guide for you to find the most apt study areas around the campus.

If you are someone who loves to read in an airy and open space then the staircase of the 6th floor cafeteria ranging from zone-D to zone-H can be a very good option. Other than this, open space lovers can also use side benches located from 7th floor to 12th floor for studying. These places are often quiet, airy and comfortable for one to study in peace.

side benches located from 7th floor to 12th floor
side benches located from 7th floor to 12th floor
Staircase of the 6th floor cafeteria ranging from zone-D to zone-H
Staircase of the 6th floor cafeteria ranging from zone-D to zone-H

 The library offers the most multidimensional spaces for studying. One can easily use the staircase or open spaces of the library for study purposes but if you are looking for a quieter place then here are some special places in the library you can use. In the bottom floor there are personal study tables beside the library racks. You can find these kinds of tables on the 9th floor too. Beside the meeting rooms of the library, there are study pods on the 9th floor for silent and isolated studying.

Library Stairs
Library stairs
Single study tables
Single study tables
Single study pods in library
Single study pods in library

One can also use computer labs ranging from 9th to 12th floor for study purposes. But these labs are only accessible to students when there is not any class going on. Although among other labs, there are two labs which you will find mostly unoccupied. These are 12F-31L and 12D-26L.  Other than these spaces one can always use cafe tables and benches for studying.

To make one’s day more productive and efficient, these study spaces can be quite helpful. All you have to do is utilise these spaces effectively.

Samia Chowdhury

Samia Chowdhury is a contributor at BRACU Express.She is a sophomore majoring in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department at Brac University. She loves to chitchat. Mostly she blabbers through words. Reach her at

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