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Empowering Student Travelers: Insights from Tourism Experts

On the 1st of July, 2024, the BRAC University Adventure Club (BUAC) arranged a seminar titled ‘Student Tourism Security’ which drew a diverse audience of students, faculties, and travel enthusiasts. The seminar was conducted by Md. Naimul Huq PPM, Superintendent of Police, and Momena Akter, additional Superintendent of police, Dhaka Region, Tourist Police BD, with Dr. David Dowland as the guest of honor.

Ms. Momena Akter opened the session by discussing pre-trip preparation such as looking into restrictions, pricing, and collecting contact information for local tourist police. She emphasized researching destinations, understanding local laws and customs, and practicing cultural sensitivity. She ended her presentation by mentioning the participation of the tourist police in various events, such as food fairs, book fairs, and seminars to engage with the general public. Md. Naimul Huq acknowledged the purpose of this event was to bridge the gap between students and the police force, and discussed the advantages of joining the police force. He further elaborated on the service the tourist police can offer in various places. The event focused on ensuring students were well-equipped for both domestic and international tours.

Overall, this seminar allowed for an informal yet informative discussion about tourism safety especially catered for students. A member of the audience, Ayesha Bintay Anowar (Junior, ENH) expressed her opinion on the seminar, “I think it was quite informative and helpful as the audience was the youth who are yet to explore the world. It will help us to uniform our tours and enjoy it while following the rules and regulations.”

Friyana Zaman

Friyana Zaman is a contributing journalist at BRACU Express. She is a freshman majoring in Biotechnology at BRAC University. Besides day dreaming and stressing over academics, she loves to cook and indulge in romcoms. Her little quirk is that she loves spoilers! Reach her at

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