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Carpe Diem: exhibition commemorating Vice Chancellor Chang’s Photography

The BRAC University Art and Photography Society, the Vice Chancellor’s Office and the Office of Co-Curricular Activities jointly hosted an exhibition titled Carpe Diem on December 4th and 5th. Held at the Building 2 Indoor Auditorium, Carpe Diem is a solo photography exhibition exclusively featuring images taken by Vincent Chang, Brac University’s esteemed Vice-Chancellor. The exhibition followed the Vice-Chancellor on his travels as he left his footprints across various nations.

The Latin phrase carpe diem translates to “seize the day.” However, the Vice Chancellor added his own charming twist to the phrase by dubbing it “seize the moment.” Spectators were taken on a memorable journey that transcended time and provided them with a keepsake of golden memories. Through this exhibition, Vice-Chancellor Chang directed his students to venture into a realm of his design while also portraying how one’s undying passion for photography can have an impact on the way one perceives their surroundings.

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