
Time an important commodity: utilizing it while travelling to university

Having to travel a long way from your home to the university can oftentimes be frustrating. What is even more frustrating is when you are stuck in bad traffic on your way to university. You start wondering how you can pass this unproductive part of the long commute. But who is to say that you cannot take advantage of this journey in the most entertaining or productive way possible? This may not be as simple as it sounds. However, you could try various fun, absurd, or engaging strategies to turn the long commute to university from the most stressful to the most enjoyable part of your day.

The most common things people do to pass their time while being stuck in traffic are either listening to music or reading books. Besides that, one of the fun ways to pass your time would be to watch downloaded episodes of your favourite shows while stuffing your stomach with snacks. Playing games is another popular strategy to pass the time. Additionally, the most random thing you could do is people-watching, or at times, even car-watching. Observing the people around you or keeping an eye on the road is not as mediocre as it sounds. Sometimes, these activities can keep you on your toes and engaged at the same time. Sanjeeda Afroz Meem (Junior, ENH) says, “I mostly spend my time by keeping an eye on the CNG driver as well as the road he is taking me on in fear of getting kidnapped. Other than that, I simply play the game Hay Day on my phone.”

On the other hand, if you want your long commute to be vastly productive, making a to-do list for the day can be your go-to strategy. And if you are an extrovert travelling by bus, then try networking with the person seated next to you. It is true that you might never come across that person again, but at least you will get to pass your time for the day. However, if you are an introvert, instead of communicating, you can learn about the people around you by simply observing the daily drama unfolding in the midst of the tiring journey. Sumaiya Tabassum Khan (Junior, ENH) says, “As I take the local bus to BracU every day, I get to pass the time by watching the everyday drama between the passengers and the conductor. It adds extra spice to my commute to BracU.” Another student, Abidul Islam (Junior, ENH) says, “I like studying humans in their natural environment during traffic. It is absolutely amusing to see people rile each other up.” Who needs additional entertainment when you can watch all the exciting drama in person on your way to university?

Any way you see it, sitting in traffic vastly wastes your time. It could cause a major drain on your entire day if you fail to be productive throughout that time. Thus, one can try the methods discussed to pass the time effectively during their exhausting commute to university.

One thought on “Time an important commodity: utilizing it while travelling to university

  • Those are pretty good ideas to use our time while travelling by bus. I am definitely gonna try making to-do list to utilize my time better and when I feel lazy I can do what the article said, watch the drama around me 😀
    Amazing article, I hope we have more of them coming from the author!!


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